Saturday, October 14, 2023



  1. Atlas tires. There's a brand name I hadn't thought about since I was pumping gas at McCain's Chevron back in '69.

    Those little visors over his headlights are really trick, as are the running boards and the rest of his rig.

  2. That couple and the car ... it was a different world back then, I'll bet mom stayed home to raise the kids rather than get a job & hire out the child raising.

    I wonder what caused the change from then to now?

    1. The cause of mom getting a job was to pay for the kids and taxes. For the photo couple, the tax break for kids wiped out his income taxes. By the 60's the Democrats income taxes to pay for all the social programs they created, and the loss of the significant child credits, forced mom to get a part-time job, and wish they had had a few less kids. The higher taxes get, the fewer kids a couple has, and the later they have them, courtesy of The Pill.
      It takes a significant income, or two of them, to fund a marriage since those days. The women want a career, instead of a family. Reality is you can have one or the other, but seldom both. Thus, the death knell of the original white USA.
      I should point out that prior to the Pill, a lot of brides were pregnant at the altar.

    2. I should also point out that the taxes to support a socialist type nation, as we are now, kills the country eventually. The birth rate drops precipitously, and you end up with too few taxpayers to pay for it all. As taxes increase, kids decrease.
      The number of illegal immigrants since the 70's equals the number of abortions, so we have traded a white nation for a future brown one. The problem for the US is that there is no such thing as "magic dirt". This nation was built on the basis of the people who founded it and built it from scratch. Most people, here and outside, now think that this nation is/was so great due to it's location and natural resources. Not really. Mostly due to our work ethic and get-it-done attitude. Our white, Protestant background at work. The Dems have been working on destroying that for a long time now, since FDR's days, actually. They're almost done with the job now...

  3. I remember Atlas came out with a tire in the 60's to go with their Plycron tire called the Bucron, made with butyl rubber.....went to a Chevron station with a buddy of mine who wanted a pair on the back of his 64.5 Mustang 289 with two 4 barrel carbs....they were sticky....

  4. Look at all the oil spots in that parking lot.
