Saturday, October 14, 2023

Big Truck, Big Load


Thanks, Elmo.


  1. more power in Tim Allen voice

  2. Oh man - Take me there, to that road, that truck, that mountain, that life!

  3. KW - Knock & Wobble

  4. Knew a guy that used to haul steel out of the Fairless Works here in PA that had a Kenworth with a V-12 Detroit in it. Showed me a ticket he got on the PA Turnpike for doing 75 in a 55 zone. It was on the stretch between Lehighton and I-80 while heading north. It's a major hill.

    1. In the mid '80s I worked with a guy that stuck a V12 Detroit in his older Pete log truck. He then proceeded to put two turbos on it and fueled it to the point of meltdown. One day early in the morning just after he finished his project and had been loaded for the first time he rubbed his hands in glee as he climbed in the cab and said "Well, I better go make some money. I've got a lot of tires to buy this summer".

      We had two distinct versions of running trucks. His version was to be the fastest thing on the road and burn up tires in the process, mine was to bank money.
      Different strokes for different folks.
