Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Big Load, Delicate Lift



  1. What's keeping that front sling from sliding off?

  2. A better question might be, now that they have it in the air, what will they do with it.
    No trailer or cradle visible dockside, and with it rigged like that, they can't set it behind the cranes.
    Waiting for the trailer to back in, maybe?

    No superstructure, so maybe it's getting wet for the first time?

    1. I agree with the "first time" speculation. It so clean it looks like its never been wet before. Nice lines - it looks fast.

  3. Looks fast just hanging there

  4. This photo makes no sense. Where did they pick it up from? With that crane arrangement they couldn't do a whole lot more than pick it straight up and put it straight down. Maybe this was taken after they lifted it off some sort of floating dry dock and the barge was moved out oof frame? Just seems odd. Either way that's a hell of a boat, must be over 150'.
