Thursday, October 5, 2023

At least take a vacuum cleaner to it.



  1. Pffff. I worked in an attapulgite plant. Add about 6 inches of fine white dust, computers were vacuumed out regularly blowing them out would be too messy. All sorts of weird bugs and creepy crawlies. That was in a 'control room' . I dropped a wrench in a bank of dust and never found it. stuff would settle in a wheel barrow like water and self level as you shovel/swept it up.

  2. A little bit of preventive maintenance with a vacuum cleaner would not only help the machinery but the visible improvement would leave a smile on your face!

  3. All of that should have been on the air filter that gets changed monthly. Instead you get this. An ounce of prevention.....

  4. THAT shit is why $42/hr IT doesn't stack up to $15/hr retail.
