Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Your insurance company is calling to tell you your policy is cancelled



  1. I'll never understand how someone can do that to a perfectly good ride.
    Forfeiture of their DL should be part of the remedy.

    1. Discovering your limits usually involves exceeding them once or twice.

  2. Betcha that big star on the windshield is where his face hit.

    1. It's probably where the airbag hit.
      I have experienced the joy of an airbag deployment when I hit a deer at 70mph. Nobody got hurt except the car. (...and the deer.) The airbag did its job, but it shattered the windshield above the steering wheel.

  3. I saw a McLaren spin on a left turn in Dubai. It was like the road was covered in oil. The driver wasn't going very fast but once the back tires broke free he was along for the ride as there was nothing he could do. He lucky and didn't hit anything. A car with lots of torque/HP and little weight needs extra care as bad things can happen quickly.
