Thursday, December 8, 2022

The smart cub is getting a free ride



  1. Let's play: "Spot the Democrat voter"..

    1. Should be entitled, 'Weaker, Cub Has To Ride'.

      The other cubs are stronger and are already starting to assert their independence. Rider cub better get on the ball, or I think he isn't going to make it!

  2. The Smothers Brothers. Now *that* was comedy. ;-)

  3. Have wondered if Polar Bear hair would make a good shaving brush.

  4. The weak democrats couldn't hold on, fell off, and now they're whining like gurl babys.

  5. WRT to last comment. Still makes me laugh every time I see that 'word'. I know what it is now but 30 years ago the term for General Unrestricted Line Officers was GURL and nobody so much as laughed. It was more heroic than you know once you understand that it was the acronym used by the navy for women officers that weren't in professions, dr, nurse, legal, etc and could only be detailed to shore jobs. You know, girls.
