Thursday, December 8, 2022

Robert Louis Stevenson, author of Treasure Island and Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and his good friend David Kalakaua, king of Hawaii, 1889



  1. The much beloved King Kalakaua, the 'Merrie Monarch'.

  2. Another case of Cultural appropriation. Hawaian KIng wearing western clothing and sitting in a western style chair.

  3. Kidnapped is a great and often overlooked book. I prefer it over RLS’s other works.

  4. DR Stevenson came up with the theory that if you monitor a persons blood pressure while asking questions you will detect "A tremor in the blood".

    A guy named Charles Moulton made a machine to do that. Charles Moulton writing as William Moulton Marston, was also a literary figure: the creator of Wonder Woman. A babe with bodacious wobbleknockers who had a golden lasso that compelled the lassee to tell the truth. I believe sombody told a lie about Charles Moulton when he was 13

    A guy named William Benneton invented the control question test, the technique used by practitioners of the snake oil technology. His second claim to fame: he hooked up the skin galvanometer of a polygraph to a plant, cut some leaves off a plant in another room, then read the graph and discovered that the plant reacted to him approaching. The plants were rhododendrons

    This experiment was duplicated by yet another author: L. Ron Hubbard repeated the experiment with an e meter, a stage prop used in Scientology. The plant: a tomato
