Thursday, December 8, 2022

Oldest DNA shows Greenland once was home to forested ecosystem

 It really was green.

DNA sequences dating back 2 million years, the oldest ever obtained, suggest that the northeastern tip of Greenland was once home to a forested ecosystem unlike any now found on Earth.

The sequences were obtained from frozen soil and indicate that the region, was once home to mastodons and reindeer. The area is now barren and home to hare, musk ox and few plants.

I hear musk ox are good eatin'.

Greenland was much warmer then, but the researchers did not expect the DNA sequences to reveal forests of poplar, spruce and yew trees such as those now typically found at much lower latitudes, alongside sedges, shrubs and birch-tree species that still grow in Greenland, according to Nature.


  1. See this article from 1958…

    1. I don't think the two scientists mentioned in that article from 1958 would be allowed in the global warming scam club.

    2. Correct. There are no real scientists in that club. It’s more of a cult, actually.

  2. I blame cold weather for killing off the trees and other critters. I've never had musk ox, but I'd try it in a heartbeat.

  3. An article on the story read where the temp in Greenland two million years ago from whence came the DNA was between 10 and 16 degrees C higher then now. The "Climate change" weirdo's are freaking out over a present day 1.5 degree rise.

  4. Where I'm sitting right now was under 2 miles of ice a mere 18,000 years ago. I'm a fan of warming.

  5. FFS don't tell Al and Greta . . .

  6. Pretty close to Anchorage AK
    There is an area that people like to go and get fossils, and there are fossils of oak trees and wallet trees. Today there are no oak trees in Walnut trees in Alaska.

    So of course, there’s climate change and it’s not man-made

  7. plate tectonics baby, it's a thing. settled science never heard of it just a few years ago.

  8. So the big scam these days is the CO2 levels….”whoa is us if the CO2 gets too high”…sayeth the watermelons (green on the outside and red on the inside)

    Fact: 2 to 2.6 million years ago when northern Greenland had forests and when the ocean went from the Gulf of Mexico to Hudson Bay from the Rockies to the Appalachians, the CO2 levels were the same as today……

    So if CO2 is the culprit and causes global warming, why isn’t the middle of the USA under water and the North and South poles ice free…??
