Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Nice Morning Smile



  1. Gemma's a pretty solidly built woman.

  2. Anglia, meet Anna Martin. Anna, meet Anglia. You have much in common.

  3. I’d hold her hair up and out of the way for her….

  4. Not a good look when there is more spam than comments from live people.

    1. In response to your comment, I delete about 40 or 50 of these a day. They're bots from Asia, I believe, and only infest places like this because very stupid but greedy people actually click through and engage. If they weren't successful in cheating the stupid out of their money, they wouldn't be here. Second, Blogspot offers no support that I know of to stop these. My option is to hunt and delete, or close the comments to everyone. I prefer to hunt and delete. Third, you see so many today because my job required me to work through lunch, when normally I'd be deleting these bot comments, so they built up more than usual. Fourth, if you think it's a "bad look," then there are plenty of other blogs to frequent, or you also have the option of starting your own blog, where you can control the "look." Do as you think best.

    2. CW: Thanks for hosting comments and policing the spam. The comments add entertainment and information to your posts, and I don't find the spam too great a distraction (but I wonder how many stupid + greedy people they think read your site?)

    3. No explanation needed. The spam is irritating but it's not my house so I'll not complain much.

    4. CW, this may be a possible solution. https://blogtimenow.com/blogging/add-integrate-disqus-comments-blogger/

    5. I would think that Google could divert these to the spam filter if they wanted to but it's not happening.
      CW, I appreciate the work you do to keep this place running...

    6. The problem with bots is the marginal cost is essentially zero. If they're sending out a million spam ads, the cost to add a hundred more approaches "free." Therefore, they'll always increase. When they had to send out junk mail, even at bulk rates there was actual cost to consider and that helped hold the amount of junk mail down. If adding another hundred or thousand blogs to post crap to brings them another idiot, it's gonna happen.

      Given the amount of views CW gets compared to us smaller blogs, it's understandable he gets as many as he does. I get random attacks where I suddenly get 20 or something but most don't post because I have blogger set to only allow comments to posts in the last two weeks and I typically do one post a day, as opposed to CW.

      It's a daily fight.

  5. I'd rather put up with the occasional spam than the barrage of ads that far too many sites have (Doctors Speechless, Ben Carson's Miracle...). No names but some allegedly conservative sites are a pain to get through. I agree with Anon at 7:26 PM, and want to also add my thanks for a delightful site.

  6. Torching the bots is good fun. Especially reading replies much wittier than mine.
