Friday, December 2, 2022

Nice. I'd drink a cup of Joe there



  1. The diner in Stranger Things, Netflix.

  2. Never eat at a place called Mom's. Don't know if that translates to a place called Pops.

  3. Hot coffee and a piece of pie.

  4. Wasn’t Pop’s Chock’lit Shoppe in Riverdale where Archie, Reggie, Jug & the rest of the gang hung out?

  5. Kinda reminds me of the 'diner' on Ft. Eustis. Of course, that was pushing 40yrs and many gray cells ago, and I only ate there once. Might not even be similar.

    1. I was there in 1970. The place off base had great burgers, and 3.2 beers...or that's where we got real beers.
      92nd Trans, 7th Bn. as my old brain cells remember.
      I was a couple of Co. drivers. Sweet job!

    2. P.S. You brought memories back. I was in Headquarters Co. We had skeet competions. Or whatever you call it, free ammo-shot guns hit the plate when it goes flying. I'd been shooting since 4th grade in Seattle.
      We were in 1st place every time, this other dude & I. One day this major from another company was pissed we were kicking ass. He told us to go get haircuts or not come back.
      Fuck him..A big shoot-out was up next, we just sat at our desks. Some full bird called our warrant officer, boss and wanted to know where the "F" we were. The general wanted to know, we told him about Major-so&so and what he said..We hit the range and won. Never saw that major again, probably sent to Alaska?..Ya-Hoo!

  6. Big, fat, joosy, greasy assed, hand pounded chee burger.

  7. We got a "Pop's" diner not far from me run by an elderly couple Sam an Ella.. I ate breakfast there once about 10 years ago. Barely made it home and had to on the john for the next 2 days

  8. Years ago, some guy bought one of these chrome plated epicurean heavens complete with booth radios and opened it on a busy thoroughfare nearby. The food was excellent and the portions were above average plus they even served beer and wine. Went back a 4th time and..... it had been turned into a freakin' Denny's. What a shame.
    - WDS

  9. Likely owned by a Greek.

  10. yup. "Greek. Hunnerd percent."

  11. I'd do you one better and actually eat there.
