Sunday, December 11, 2022

Nevada City



  1. Looks idyllic, which seems odd considering the lunacy in every major city overshadows just how beautiful the state really is.

    1. Nevada City has more than its share of lunacy. It's full of Bay Area and L.A. busybodies that have ruined a once beautiful little town.

      I grew up here. I now avoid Nevada City like it has a plague, which in a way it does.

    2. Elmo that is so true of so many small mountain and beach towns that have been absolutely ruined by liberals and their Karen mentalities.

  2. Interesting. When I look at that picture, I expect it to be somewhere in New England, not California.

  3. Spent most of spring and summer of '82 in Grass Valley at Squirrel Creek Ranch. Went skinny dipping in the Yuba River, spent many an afternoon at a terrific old saloon on Broad Street in Nevada City, just can't recall the name presently. I recall those two towns would not allow McDonalds or Walmart or major box stores anywhere into the vicinity. No telling what it looks like now.

  4. I used to live down the way in Grass Valley. I love that area but hate California politics. Moved to northern Wisconsin and haven’t looked back. MAGA

  5. McGee's sounds like the one. Can't say it was "young folks" especially but my local pal was a friend of the owner and the generosity, drinks-wise, was duly noted. I recall that the rock group SuperTramp lived in the vicinity at the time. I remember a magical music show down in Auburn with the Youngbloods and that song "San Francisco" flowers in your hair and all that stuff.

    1. So many years... so many spent brain cells... it wasn't "San Francisco" it was the Youngbloods performing "Get Together" in a really nice park down in Auburn. An idyllic California event back when the place was still groovy.

  6. My reply below, Elmo. Or up above, I don't know where. Remember "Crab" the cartoonist? Dave Childers... funniest floor-buffing dude I've ever met? Beeb Sanford at Squirrel Creek Ranch?

  7. R.L. Crabb is still alive and kickin'.

    He runs a weekly cartoon in the local paper.
    He's managed to make a living his whole life with his artwork.

    I'm familiar with the names Childers and Sanford, though never met any of them. At one time the Sanford's owned thousands of acres here.

    1. Bob Crabb is a really colorful character. His wife is Kate, if I remember. Childers was hysterical good fun. One of the funniest humans I've ever met. The Sanford family owned Squirrel Creek Ranch which is now a B&B and they sponsor big weddings and such. Brian aka "Beeb" was the son of Leon Sanford. Their both gone now. That spread of theirs is like heaven. I think Beeb's wife Janet still holds the property. I've seen photos of it on the innerwebs. Thanks for providing the Crabb link.

    2. That was me, Elmo... the anonymous button got pushed somehow. I recall that summer there were unnatural blizzards of white powdered nose-candy engulfing Nevada County.
