Saturday, September 3, 2022

Will keep even if the electricity goes off



  1. It used to be so much better, they changed the meat somehow, smaller pieces now and just doesn’t have as good a taste as it did. It’s still good, just not as good…

  2. $2.50 a can is not a bad price as I recall. My 30 day stash of food is around half cans of beef stew as the protein. The other half is canned chili, the cans of chicken & tuna are for variety.

  3. Great price. More 1/2 the cost of buying in the grocery store. I always add hamburger, a can of carrots and potatoes, being it has lots of gravy. Not the same as it was before china virus shut down all the factories and create shortages. Still good stuff. I have over 5 cases stored.

  4. I just figured I pay $2.69 a can at the store. That comes out to $32.and change.for12 cans. Wheres the deal? Plus shipping. I guess I save by sitting on my Ass. Good stuff tho.

  5. It doesn't have the layer of lard on top like it used to.

  6. As part of my daily morning constitutional I routinely check all the dumpsters around the local residential junior college. End of semester is the best time, but yesterday morning I scored 25 cans of varied foodstuffs (pink salmon, ravioli, mixed veggies, etc) and two un-opened tubes of oatmeal.

    These kids really don't appreciate how well off they are. But their waste is my gain!
