Saturday, September 3, 2022




  1. Sleeker.

    But it wasn't built in the home state of the head of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and the company didn't grift graft as well as Lockheed, so it never had a chance, and America got the second-best contestant. As usual.

    1. You're conflating the YF-23 with the Joint Strike Fighter competition which are 2 different programs. The YF-23 protoype pictured at the link never was able to demonstrate the ability to succesfully launch internally stored weapons and that was a hard requirement of the Advance Tactical Fighter program which became the F-22. That's the reason it never had a chance. It flew great, probably better than the YF-22, but it couldn't fight.

    2. The F-23 was never tested for weapons launch, so your information on that score is severely compromised.

      But if that's the F-35 Thunderjug rather than the F-22, never mind. The performance shortcomings of that flying pork barrel fill entire libraries.

      But it's just the plane the Air Farce and the USS Ford deserve.

  2. upside-down while sticking your tongue out is no way to go through life, Thirty-Five...
