Sunday, August 14, 2022

Freya the walrus is put down over concerns for public safety in Norway: Huge 1,300lb animal is euthanised due to 'potential harm to people' after crowds swam with 'stressed' animal and coaxed it to shore for selfies

 Unsaid is whether other options were explored.  Sounds like not.  

Considering its size and bulk, couldn't anyone just scamper away if it got belligerent?

And, why not just pass a law that anyone injured by a walrus in Oslo is on their own liability wise.  You approach a wild walrus, you take the risk.  What's wrong with that approach?

Freya climbs into a small boat to sleep.

Everybody loved the whiskery walrus.

Apparently, they sleep up to 20 hours a day.


  1. A downer- people in general piss me off.

  2. Harambe unavailable for comment...

  3. Looney Toons had a subtle dig against the psycho-love that some people show for animals.

  4. Back in 2014, the Copenhagen zoo killed a graiff & fed it to the lions. I'm wondering, did Norwegian government feed Freya to polar bears???

  5. How about 1 ton walrus isn't your pet, leave it alone rule

  6. How about a 10,000 sardine fine on anyone fucking with that animal?
    It seems universal that gov't employees are maximum dikhedz. shoot em all

  7. Rather bold of everyone to name the Walrus Freya.
    How are they so certain it didn't identify as one of the other 57 genders?

  8. in the north there are legends... and the people still watch for walrus with stained tusks. once a walrus has developed a taste for man they become a real nightmare. i'm sure the walrus community has their own legends about humans who love to cuddle. we have this problem with HUNDREDS of sea lions on the Astoria docks and all along the Columbia river. wish our gov officials would take action.

  9. Do they put down pedophiles when they find them? I mean, speaking of public safety and all. They could feed them to the lions too.

  10. human life with more than a boat sinking friendly Walrus? Must have something to do with climate change.

  11. Government: The same all over. First solution to a problem? Kill it. Don't try pepper spray, paint balls or other non lethal items.

  12. Once a large animal like Freya becomes socialized by overly friendly humans there is no going back. LEAVE DANGEROUS WILD ANIMALS ALONE, they are not cartoon characters.

  13. I live in Cathlamet on
    the Columbia. Sea lion went from 3000 in the 20s to over 300,000+ nowadays. Why, a Portlander would as soon shoot a coyote (they have come to infest the town)as kill one of those salmon killing bastards that loaf around Bonneville.
