Thursday, August 25, 2022

Bombs Away



  1. I miss the good old days when the USAF was full of cold warriors and could fly a hundred BUFFs somewhere to make an impression on an adversary. Nowadays a two ship is supposed to be a big deal. How the mighty have fallen

    1. I'll agree, General, that we did have a way of making an impression, and that the bumper-sticker adage of "Peace Through Superior Firepower" is the way to go. I can also agree with "How the mighty have fallen", but I'd add that "the mighty" might include, well, pretty much everyone.

      The Russians attempted their version of a "Hundred Hour Rush to Baghdad", and have failed miserably. They've pulled their lines back considerably, and nothing has moved appreciably in 5 weeks. The War in Ukraine is now not much different from WWI trench-and-artillery warfare. When this ends, Russia will be little more than an Italian military with nukes.

      And the Chinese, for all that they deserve a watchful eye, are watching their economy implode. Their property developers aren't paying on their bonds, and their financial institutions are beginning to crack. Their people are, rightly, beginning to get upset at seeing their investments crumble to nothing and no one being held responsible for it.

      Our "mightiness" is diminishing too....that sucks and our diminshment isn't over, if you ask me. I think that in the end, the global winner will be the power which loses the least.


  2. Choo-Choo Charlie rides again!

  3. That's a whole lot of hurt coming someone's way

  4. Delivering democracy to those without.

  5. That's 105 CARE Packages being delivered to the Illegaly Captured Gubmint Facilities in DeeCee.

    1. I believe that's 108 Care packages :)

  6. Rickvid in the Yakima ValleyAugust 25, 2022 at 8:07 AM

    Say hello to my little friends!

  7. Not much altitude for a bombing run in hostile territory with air defenses. Methinks this is a training op.

  8. I'd like to place an order for Washington DC.

  9. "TEST" on bombay doors should tell you something.

  10. aerial landscaping business done with conventional munitions. SAC used to practice what it preached. nowadays, the nuclear guys have a new meaning for the word 'yield' when talking battle tactics.

  11. The B-52 is still an impressive airplane. I was stationed at an AFB that had a Bomb Wing; when the wind was blowing the wrong way the B-52s would take off over top of the barracks and the windows would dang near rattle out of the frames. No noise abatement on military planes.

  12. The first one was built shortly after I was born, and they will be flying when I'm long gone. A legend, like the DC-3.

  13. dots and dashes on the bombs look like those pics of DNA sequences
