Thursday, May 20, 2021

Great set up



  1. I'll bet her asshole was so tight that she didn't shit for a month.

  2. Old Vegas, Hot metal, light bulbs, thin shorts, brave lady. Great shot.

  3. Even if my old fat self was this beautiful I still would not do what this lady is doing, n ope.

  4. The airplane shadow makes me think it was done with a razor blade in a darkroom. Notice the heavy dark line around the bottom of her bathing suit. The planes shadow is upper left while the shadow of her legs is straight down. The light bulbs just under her bottom would be a real hazard to climb over, let alone sit next to. Finally there is the 'halo' around her head from dodging her head into the background. It was nicely done but an obvious fake.

    1. Thanks Dave. There's always one person who has to spoil the fantasy with a dose of reality.

  5. It’s a photo of a cut out photo on a painting.

  6. Sorry about the reality check. ;-) Maybe it really did happen; who knows.

    1. No Dave, It's early photoshop. Very clever though.

  7. Sorry about the reality check. ;-) Maybe it really did happen; who knows.

  8. Sorry about the reality check. ;-) Maybe it really did happen; who knows.

  9. Regardless of whether this pose is real or pre-Photoshopped, the light bulbs appear to be real. And most of those old bulbs had life spans on the order of 1,000 hours. Who changed them? And how?

    1. 20 years ago I was living in SoCal and one of my neighbors was a manager for Young Electric Sign ( His previous position was in LV where, at that time, I understood they maintained a significant fraction of the lights, both incandescent and neon, on the strip. Their wiki page says that they started an office there in 1933, so they've been at it a while. I assume they use typical snorkel trucks and the like, but I've never seen it done.

      The photo is still a 'shop job.

  10. Young Electric has an outstanding bone yard (old Las Vegas electric signs) West of Vegas that you can visit. Call them for details.
