Monday, May 31, 2021



  1. Hey, Slo Joe! This is an example of being Presidential.

    1. today, Joe's closing words at Arlington amounted to "Parenthetically, goodbye taps." Dadgum teleprompter malfunctioned! Again!! Thank goodness he didn't have a "wardrobe malfunction".

  2. My President. Please bring back the 2,3 or 4am mean tweets.

  3. Wait, it is Memorial Day? I thought it was just a long weekend.

    1. That's what Kamala Harris thought, of course, but then she is a woman who made her way to the top on her back and knees.

  4. Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’
    The president has repeatedly disparaged the intelligence of service members, and asked that wounded veterans be kept out of military parades.

    During a trip to France two years ago, Trump didn’t want to visit a cemetery where American military service members were buried, during the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I.

    His reasons? Among them, the bad weather might mess up his hair. He also felt the cemetery was, in his estimation, “filled with losers,” and that the nearly 2,000 Marines buried there were “suckers” for getting killed in a storied World War I battle.

    The Loser Turd

    1. You are full of shit vector. None of what you typed in is true. So just STHU you asshole.

    2. You, sir, are a liar and intellectually incurious. As Gregory said, none of what you typed is true.

      When it was “Orange Man bad” it was all fun and games but now we have Chauncey Gardner in the White House you and your ilk boo-hoo and double-down on your stupidity.

      Be advised we will continue to mock Grandpa Pudding Cup because that shit runs both ways, cupcake.

    3. The only truth to that is that the losers in media made that exact claim. He must be a media type, stupid.

    4. You poor, retarded sucker. That was a positively debunked leftist lie, and you are a complete sucker for buying it. Rot in the rewards of your own emotionally needy idiocy.

    5. You're done here, loser, now move on.
      How in the world do people get this way?
      Think, half the country is like this.
      The only way forward is elimination of the parasites.

    6. Vector, go away and take your insipid thoughts with you.

  5. VectorWarbirds, your pretentious name is no doubt as legitimate as your Leftist Purple Kool-Aid drinking sentiments.

  6. How did he get that way, ignant as he would say.

  7. Those aren't his words. Those are his scriptwriter's words.

    Donald's words are "screw you all, send me all your money because I'm a super smart genius".
