Saturday, October 12, 2013

The parasites suddenly find themselves deprived of the blood of the host.

Sounds like the Obamacare debacle is spreading.

   "Shoppers left carts of groceries behind at a packed Market Basket grocery store in Biddeford, Maine, because they couldn’t get their benefits, said fellow shopper Barbara Colman, of Saco, Maine. The manager put up a sign saying the EBT system was not in use. Colman, who receives the benefits, called an 800 telephone line for the program and it said the EBT system was down due to maintenance, she said.
“That’s a problem. There are a lot of families who are not going to be able to feed children because the system is being maintenanced,” Colman said. She planned to reach out to local officials. “You don’t want children going hungry tonight because of stupidity,” she said."
Hey, Ms. Colman, you are responsible for your kids, first and foremost.  After living off the labor of someone else, how come you don't have the money to feed your family for even one day?


  1. Well, now it starts - and of course you know who will blame the eeeeevvvvvvviiiiiillllllll republicans.

    I totally agree, if they (the EBT users ) can't buy enough staples to see them through a long weekend, what are they going to do when a real emergency occurs? Sorry, I don't feel a bit sorry for them, and if it gets critical enough there are probably local churches who will see that the chirren get fed.

    1. Churches, relatives, local food closets, or something else. I only wonder how badly we have screwed our culture with this enabling of bad behavior and attitudes.
