Tuesday, December 5, 2023

One more. Just one more, I promise.



  1. My Dad was a Merchant Marine Academy WWII grad. After the war he spent his time on merchant ships in the Mediterranean. His favorite cars were French. He brought back a Peugeot diesel. It lasted 30 years.

  2. I have a slightly scary but funny story about one of those cars that happened to me in Saudi Arabia that I don't know how to tell but every time I see one I feel that gut level tension that you can only get in the Mid-East when you're not sure what is about to happen. I thought for a minute there I was going to get involuntarily shoved into a Citroen.

  3. Just beautiful, a 1972 Citroen DS 21 Pallas. Still on the road in the UK according to the government database.

  4. Replies
    1. A matter of opinion but drive one and see how good they are - especially compared to other cars of that era. Wish I could afford a XM.

    2. Like floating on air, not at like the barge-like ride of American cars of the same era.

  5. I'll bite my tongue one more time!

  6. Iconic cars -- the Citroen DS, Renault R10? (my uncle taught me how to slip the clutch on hills in his), Peugot 504 wagon (huge inside!)
