Friday, December 29, 2023

Intense In All Ways



  1. So makeup on the eyebrows is a thing? Disgusting.

    1. Disgusting? This stunningly beautiful young lady is far - far from disgusting. Most red heads have to either use makeup or have their eyebrows tattooed. It is a shame that you feel that way...and even more of a shame that you won't put your name to your comments. Happy New Year none-the-less.

    2. Agreed Eyebrows and other body features should be natural. Imagine waking up and seeing her sans makeup. That's probably what Archie Bunker saw when he cast his eyes on Edith.

    3. I wake to a redhead every morning & have for 35yrs & I prefer that than waking up next to you makeup or not.

    4. Right on Birdchaser!!! I too wake up to a redhead and have for 30+ years.

    5. Ok, "John." I'm referring to the makeup, not the fine young lady. Happy New Year to you, Sir Not-Seeing-What-I-Wrote.

  2. Intense in all ways...because she covers all 7 categories...
    Eyebrows, facial structure, nose, eye color, freckles, hair color, REAL woman

  3. The only downside is that she needs SPF 100 to keep from getting sunburned by the bulb in the fridge.

    But that's a small price to put up with for the rest of the package.
