Sunday, December 3, 2023

Inside Factories Producing A Super Advanced Fighter Jet, A Helicopter, and an Airbus Jet


  1. Replies
    1. I recall its fly by wire system was a bit dodgy early on leading to crashes but it seems to have matured to be a capable and relatively economical fighter.

  2. All aircraft require some handwork, routing wiring harnesses, assembling subassemblies, and so on. Plus, the aircraft industry was the leader in implementing quality control, since pilots can’t pullover for an engine malfunction.

  3. Sweden can only work this way. They have effectively had to stop assembly line work, as their absentee rate exceeds 20%, which makes staffing assembly lines almost impossible. Socialist policies and inability to fire workers for almost any reason has resulted in extreme levels of absenteeism, and has altered the employment landscape.

    1. You know that Google is free and available everywhere?

      There are around 260 work days in a year. On average Swedes miss 9-10 working days a year. I'm not a math genius but... 10/260 is 3.8%...

      You don't like that report?
      How about this one?

      It took Google all of 0.44 seconds to search 4,990,000,000 results and it took me 30 seconds to find 2 trustworthy sources that prove you wrong.

      Don't like socialism... That is ok. I'm not a big fan myself. Just don't lie to justify your position.

    2. regardless, she should be home makin babies and sandwiches

    3. And yet she is building jets... and because she is Swede she has all her medical needs covered, likely vacations in Spain and can drive better than you on snow...

    4. Yep. And soon all the children in the local school will be named Mohamed. You go

  4. Factory work. It’s all the same. Ronald Raegan wore our contact lenses. Time marches on. Do the best you can.

  5. HA! Google- google is available everywhere to tell you the numerous ways socialism is the way to go - its resources aren't suitable justification for anything. Haven't used it for years - talk to people in the aerospace industry. Labor resources are a s#t show on every continent. In recent months numerous individuals from many cultures, Arabs / Turks, Japanese - have confided a sense of foreboding. Their kids, in all cultures, are susceptible to media influence and no longer feel the need to work hard. The dystopian future fueled by AI is closer than ever. We are entering a period of consequences..
