Sunday, December 3, 2023

Bullet Trains, Nanjing South Bullet Train Depot, Nanjing, China



  1. Replies
    1. We in America have seen the future. It's called air travel. Cheaper, faster, more convenient.

    2. Air travel is really not that much "cheaper" and today it is a major pain in the ass.

  2. America's future? As in China taking over? Or high-speed trains in America? If you simply look at what California has been able to accomplish (that is a joke) then high-speed trains in America is a pipe dream that the "WOKE" weenies fantasize about.

  3. At first glance, I thought they were skis. (Trains might be okay, except for the people that ride them. Spent too much time on transits and the asswipes that populate them.)

    1. That's a US problem...and I thought they were skis at first too. Folks in other countries get places faster and more efficiently because of trains, while virtually NONE of the BS that you find on US trains is allowed (although the ME and African imports might be changing that).

  4. One of the major impediments for train expansion is the outrageous real estate costs for many locations. Even with public land condemnation, the cost to RR companies makes the expansion have a disproportionate cost impact.

  5. The only place in the US that makes sense for a bullet train is the Northeast Corridor, DC to Boston with stops in between.

    1. I have traveled on the Amtrak NE Corridor for many years. It was a fairly inexpensive and a very convenient way to get where you needed to go.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. If Gabbin' Nuisance wasn't stupider than Gov. Moonbeam (and believe me, that's quite an accomplishment all by itself), we'd have a pair of those doing flip-flop trips L.A. to Vegas and back, several times a day, and eliminate 25% of the flights to and from SoCal in about a week.

    Instead, flying pigs making that trip are more likely, and sooner.
