Wednesday, December 6, 2023



                        Bluetooth Beanie Hat Headphones 


  1. Meh. Brings out the Grinch in me.

    Because what society really needs is more twits walking around spaced out and tuned in to the voices in their head.

    I'd be sorely tempted to try out the response on that right ear panel if I saw someone wearing one, esp. in a car, or on a cycle, bike, or board.

    What I'd really love is a backpack-sized cell and bluetooth jammer pod with about a 100' effective radius.

    I bet somebody could sell five of those to every one of those hats that sold.

    Imagine a world where people paid attention to WhereTF they were walking (or driving!) and WhatTF they were doing, 24/7.

    Not for nothing, that hat violates the VC for drivers in CA, and probably multiple other states.


  2. and the manufacturer will not mine your head.

  3. Still no flying car but at least I can get this in 6 colors.

  4. I wouldn't mind having something like that for when I'm running the snow blower. Cheaper that wireless ear buds or headsets. Having some tunes running while doing the repetitive moves up and down the driveway would be nice. And looks like my old shooting muffs would fit over it (I wear them because: loud small engine just in front of me. So it's not like I'm going to hear anyone sneaking up on me anyway.)

    But for general out and about in the world, yeah no.

  5. Brain thanks.

  6. I guess if you don't mind having micro-wave radiation next to your mush brain....

  7. I see idiot joggers and cyclists wearing headphones or earbuds all the time. Zero situational awareness.

  8. A lot of people hate the look of their hair when those beanies are removed. Like 'motorcycle helmet' hair you see at restaurants. Real riders don't care, but others do.

    I see that beanie becoming a hot item among thieves and criminal elements. Able to be in communication mode without a phone or ear bud providing evidence you aren't alone.

  9. You will never catch me using wireless anything ANYWHERE close to my brainbox. I value my thought processes and the lack of microwave enduced brain cancer thank you very much. I don't even use my cell phone except on speaker. If I can't hear it, I don't need to.

    1. Pussy...can't handle a little brain fog/cancer.

  10. I despise the bugs in people's ears--for all the reasons stated above. (Flush Joe Biden)
