Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Coyote at Rest



  1. Not often seen set in place. The great majority I see are on the prowl, trotting down the sendero. Always looking, always searching.

  2. Waiting for Acme delivery.

  3. That’s an awfully healthy coyote! The ones around me, inland So Cal, are skinny, skittish, and wary.

  4. Looks like a coywolf

  5. Doesn't match the colors of the local coyotes, here in Silicon Valley. Had a female that liked to sleep in the back yard, after eating ~dozen figs that had fallen off our tree. Never saw her pig out on them, she always left fruit on the ground.

    I could get about 15 feet away before she would move. Climbed wood fences like a cat. Lot smaller than the Alpha's that lead the pack. Those were the result of mating with a BIG German Sheppard. Funny looking Sheppards at that point, with the big bushy tail, and that odd yellowish color pattern.
