Friday, June 23, 2023

Wait for it



  1. Well, fer cryin' out loud. Even a cat's whiskers can't escape the reach of Google Earth.
    I give up.

  2. I have screenshots of my mother in law in front of her home, my mother driving near her home and me at work on a bridge.

  3. Well, I guess it's wonderful. Surely no harm can come from this wonderful tech.

  4. In 1980s, someone I know showed me some of what they were working on. To do this, they snuck me into their office on a Sunday aftrn.

    They showed thermal signatures where an aircraft had been parked a few hours before. Or, slant views into a covered aircraft revetment. Or, pick a building in this photograph. Now pick a window on that building. Look inside to see how the room is furnished.
    All this by satellite.

    What got this started was I told that someone that a field crew has recently verified the gold deposit which a satellite had detected. The deposit was 12 meters below ground surface.

    You may think that's hogwash. But consider that mapping of the sea bottom is done to high accuracy by satellite analyzing displacement of sea surface.
    Or, that elevation figures of mountain tops in remote rugged terrain are determined with accuracy by satellite remote imaging.

    1. Street view in Google Earth uses cameras on the ground.

    2. I am aware of that. But they don't ahow backyards or anyplace their camera car hasn't been.

  5. The Fur Coat Mafia, I knew it. They're everywhere.
