Friday, June 23, 2023

Prigozhin and his Wagner Army march on Moscow.

 Shoigu and Gerasimov mount a defense, but....

Is Putin in league with Prigozhin, to make Shoigu and Gerasimov the scapegoats for the botched Ukraine Special Operation?

Or is Prigozhin playing for all the marbles, or in this case, the vodka?

A source of info, but keep in mind it's the fog of war and revolution.  Who really knows what's going on?


  1. It's interesting reading ...

  2. **Tom Clancy enters the chat.**


  3. Most of the posts are from one source. Questionable at how fast that source is providing "breaking" updates.

  4. Time will tell. Interesting times given that Wagner has been the most successful military force and has been often shortchanged by the professional Russian military.

    I smell 3 letter agencies here. A sabotage missile strike from the rear could be bought.

  5. Putin is the moderate here. You had better hope he wins. Prigozhin wants a major escalation of the war in Ukraine. There is a faction in the Russian government that wants to reestablish the borders of Tsarist Russia, which would eliminate the Baltic states and Poland as well as Belarus and Ukraine.

    1. "There is a faction in the Russian government that wants to reestablish the borders of Tsarist Russia"

      Putin's stated life goal is to re-establish the Soviet Union territory from the Cold War which include Poland, Ukraine and the rest of the Baltic states. Russia's current territorial borders are what was originally Tsarist Russia.


    2. No, he doesn't.

    3. Nemo sed:
      "Putin's stated life goal is to re-establish the Soviet Union territory from the Cold War which include Poland, Ukraine and the rest of the Baltic states."

  6. Putin speaks..

  7. Go figure... I watched Dr. Strangelove last night.

    1. I'm surprised there hasn't been a "Seven Days In May" scenario yet or maybe there has been. btw, Dr. Strangelove is a great movie.
      - WDS

  8. Prigozhin might find himself in the same outcome that Ernst Roehm and many other SA troops ended up in during the night of the long knives.

    1. And by the same token, Putin could end up Hindenburg to Prigozhin's Hitler.

  9. is it too late to order iodine supplement tablets on Amazon ?

  10. Timing is weird on this.

    Especially considering that the latest Ukie Final Offensive Part 24 has failed miserably.

    Almost sounds, if any of this is real, that maybe the West paid the Wagner group to rebel along with a winning Ukie Final Offense.

  11. I'm going with some old fashioned Maskirova. In this day and age with the amount of surveillance how can one move and stage troops for an offensive without the enemy getting a good eyefull and shifting reinforcements? Well, the coup is over. 'Magine that? Wagner is heading back to its posistions. All the troops summoned to attack them, headed back too. Ho hum...Until they all turn right instead of left and end up smashing through a thin defense line and head to main street Kiev. Maybe...We'll see.

    1. Sorry, that was me, SmokeyJoe. I should sign up, I know.

  12. Putin 'the peacemaker', once again out smarts the West, it's handlers and the Oligarchs who only care about mammon.

    1. C'mon, man! How hard it is it to outwit Slow Joe?
      And unlike Joe, the rest of the heads of state are smart enough to stay out of this little set-to.

  13. “These people are under the foolish belief that a man with 6,000 nuclear weapons at this control will back off and let them put ours 5 minutes away..”

    • Russia, Internal This Time (Denninger)

    You can look at Putin as whatever you’d like but the fact of the matter is that this is a nation with thousands of nuclear weapons and, whatever your view of Putin is, he is one of the more-moderate members of the government in Russia. If he is deposed by force or worse, there’s a no-BS civil war that occurs over there who knows what comes out of that. The odds that it will be “more-friendly” to the United States than what we have now, never mind NATO, are very poor, and what’s worse is that both we and all the other NATO nations are likely interfering in a covert manner and everyone involved over there in this thing knows it. It is entirely reasonable that if Putin is deposed the US and NATO will be given a 24 hour ultimatum to remove everything they have to the Polish border or beyond and if they don’t it and the land under it will be destroyed with tactical nuclear weapons.

    If you think that’s crazy you’re wrong. It is in fact very possible. Further, there is no “polite” or “conventional” response to such a threat available to us or anyone else. We either comply or its on, for real. Do realize there are people over there who consider NATO’s continued additions toward Russia, and the fact that each puts the flight time for a surprise attack closer and closer to Moscow and other major cities, an existential threat to the nation and its survival as a political entity. We would no more put up with China entering into a treaty with Mexico to put nuclear weapons on the Rio Grande or in Tijuana — within howitzer range of San Diego — than we should expect Russia to put up with us doing essentially the same thing.

    Mike Pompeo is an idiot. So is Lindsey Graham. They have a right to their opinions but attempting to execute them as policy should earn them a permanent stay in prison — and in solitary confinement at that. This is wildly preferrable to a bunch of smoking holes in the ground and plumes of radiation drifting over what was a “fruited plain.” These people are under the foolish belief that a man with 6,000 nuclear weapons at this control will back off and let them put ours 5 minutes away. The problem is that in the event this goes sideways in Russia one or more people may wind up with the ability to actually use one or two. That is a much higher risk, and further, I’d like Pompeo to tell me what he thinks we would do if China and Mexico stuck some boom-booms within a few miles and a couple of minute flight times from a US city.

    We all know that the United States would never tolerate that, yet this is exactly what we think NATO should be able to do over there. That is not a multi-polar or even bi-polar world when it comes to national power; it is a unipolar world where we set an agenda and everyone else must follow “or else.”
