Saturday, September 10, 2022

Wow. Worth the traffic jam/wait time?

Experiencing long wait times when leaving the Black Rock Desert after Burning Man is nothing new. Known to burners as "the exodus," traffic during this period is expected, but 2022's gridlock appeared to have been particularly brutal, exacerbated by the heat wave hitting the western United States and possible gas shortages. 

Shortly after 12:00 p.m. on Monday, Burning Man Traffic, a Twitter account regularly retweeted by Burning Man’s official handle, reported wait times of up to 5.5 hours to leave the grounds. By 1:30 p.m. the wait time had extended to eight hours. As of 5:00 p.m. the wait was reported at seven hours. 

Running out of gas also became an issue that drivers needed to worry about. Burning Man Traffic reported at 3:50 p.m. that Empire Store, one of the closest gas stations to the playa, had run out of fuel. At 5:56 p.m. the account announced that Empire had started pumping fuel again, but supplies were not expected to last long.


  1. It figures. These brainiacs can't figure out that it might be a good idea to stop at the Empire Store to top off before heading out onto the playa without considering whether they might need a full tank of (fossil) fuel on the way home from the middle of NoWhere'sVille. Why am I not surprised.

    1. Most of these Baytards were facing the climb over the Sierras following the exodus during the hottest days on record. I'm sure a few of their wrecks didn't make it.

  2. The other day someone mentioned a run and gun with a squadron of A10s.
    Looks like the perfect time.

  3. Wait, you mean those aren't all electric vehicles?

  4. Why leave during the traffic jam? Kick back in the tent for another day and leave tomorrow, avoid the fuss. Is this rocket surgery?
    Better still, leave the day before.
    Or, use my method - don't go at all. srsly, this is an issue?
    1st world problems....

  5. I think it would be a fun event to experience (once). Where else are you going to find such a rich environment for people watching? And some very strange people at that. I'm pagan enough to enjoy it. But there's no reason to sit in traffic. Allocate enough time and leave later. And keep your fuel tanks topped up. Plan ahead.

    1. I wonder how many camps are still set up waiting for the traffic jam to dissipate? The only pictures I've seen is that line to leave.

  6. That looks like an awful lot of "Fuck that"!

  7. Some guy the other day said this was fake. Photoshop has hurt what is real and what isn't.

    1. Someone ALWAYS says it's fake, doesn't matter what. If you like it & it not costing you anything to enjoy it then accept it as it is. Smile at your richer world and go on your way.

  8. What about all the Tesla charging centers?

  9. Never have been to Burning Man never will. I've been out on the playa when they are setting this monstrosity up though. The counter culture types who speak of being free sure have a problem with you going out on "their land" before the event.
    I didn't know Empire was even up and running. I normally go across the Smoke Creek Desert via the gravel road from Hwy 395 out of Susanville. I bet Brunos did a hell of a business this year.

  10. I figure if I wanted an std and drugs, they'd be easier to find than that.
