Tuesday, September 20, 2022

The Black images are shadows of zebras.



  1. Wow it took me a bit and then it finally came to light for me. Really great photography

  2. That is one of the most interesting photo's I've ever seen.

  3. Not buyin it....the shadow outlines aren't erose in the least, and no deviations along the deep textures of the sand....too dark, too clear, too regular, and waaaay too big to be in scale.

    1. not missin' out on a thing my friend....just seein' what's real :)

  4. see, now there's the problem we're living thru like a baaad nightmare now.....reality doesn't give a flying crap about your opinion. Those are either real shadows or they're not....your (or my) "opinion" doesn't matter; anymore than your opinion that a man can be a woman, or a male can give birth, or sodomy is moral, or unicorn farts can power the world.

    1. I long ago decided to believe most any wild story I heard as long as it didn't cost me anything.
      If what I was told is wrong it's no big deal, in this example if the picture is real or not, what does it matter?
      With me looking at it and finally seeing the zebras and identifying their relationship to the shadows I can say "Wow! That's great!" and go on with my day with a big old smile as I saw something really neat.
      If it's fake, no matter as I'm still happy with what I saw, if it's real, the same thing.

      So my opinion is that's it's real & one heck of photograph. I'm happy :-) Your opinion seems to be that someone faked it. Ok, for you it's not real.

      Now on to your crazy talk.... you can call yourself anything you want as long as it doesn't cost me... Who am I to say anything about how you want to live your life? Your life is for you to do what you will with as long as it doesn't encroach on mine.
      Have a good one, good bye.

    2. See Rob, I don't buy your virtue-signalling, and increasingly long-winded diatribes. I made a statement that (and I agree with you on this point) was of no real consequence...but you felt the burning need to let me know I was somehow life-enhancingly deficient. I responded in a meaningless way again, and again, you just had to sink a shiv; I responded. You seem to want to continue your self-abusing verbal diarrhea, so ok...as long as our kindly host allows it, I'll play.....

      Calling yourself anything you want, and forcing society to play along with your delusion, costs everyone everything. Are you living anywhere near the former-USA? I don't use the stupid, made-up, asinine, perverse and UN-REAL 'pronouns' of a deluded, corrupted Gen z-er (or whatever the heck we're up to now), I run the REAL risk of facing charges....ask some teachers in Loudon Cnty. about this. Trans everything; active and intensifying pogroms for those pointing out the truth about stolen elections; inflation isn't happening!; ok...it's happening...but it's good for you rube!; ok, it's not good for you, but it's all Trump's fault!; call me ma'am...now call me sir....now call me ma'am...and bake that cake with baphomet on it!; don't call them pedophiles...call them MAPS...it's so much nicer, and they're gonna be your overlords soon. Nope...the denial of reality is a Nietzschean wet-dream and an Orwellian nightmare-warning in current living color, and we're just going further and further down the rabbit hole cause Truth is not only denied, but hated.

      Now as to the picture, and your gaslighting non-sequitur that had nothing to do with my original or subsequent comments. Yeah, it's a fun and creative piece of art....never said it wasn't. I made a throw-away comment, and you wanna keep beating dead zebras into the sand for no reason. But, hey, enjoy your upcoming room 101 experience....it's the logical outcome to your not-asked-for-and-really-not-desired POV.

      You have a good one too....m'kay? :)

    3. Wow all that because you didn't think the shadow picture of a zebra was real & I liked it.
      Too many buzz words for me, best of luck.

    4. .....peace and good.

  5. You really have no ability to read and comprehend, do you?
    Self-awareness and honest introspection are good things....you might wanna give them a try sometime.

  6. My goodness, now you're insulting and it's all over a picture of zebras & their shadows. Troll.
