Saturday, September 10, 2022

It's getting to be that season



  1. never tried it. is it sweet or just flavore?

  2. I try to limit my sugar and carb intake, and don't use much syrup so... I don't find it over powering sweet, but the bourbon barrel taste is very noticeable.

  3. My mom grew up on a Vermont farm and I grew up on real maple syrup. Next to a good craft beer, it's my favorite liquid on Earth. Can't wait to try this!

  4. Haven't tried it yet. Mrs. azlib made french toast last night and the usual maple syrup that I use (Mrs. azlib still insists on Aunt Jemima, which I hate) was approaching the end of the bottle. This Bourbon stuff is next in line on the shelf. Before I've tasted it, I'm kinda looking at it as "The-Fancy-Stuff-that-you-Save-for-Guests", but maybe I'll use it myself. Got ours at Costco, BTW.

