Monday, September 5, 2022

Hahahaha! wheeze. Hahahahaha!



  1. Won't watch 'em. No matter how many. Just like Star Wars and Star Trek. Done right the first time.

  2. Hollywood will continue beating that dead horse until there's nothing left but bones.

  3. I don't watch this modern over-priced, equality and Social Justice saturated Crapola with over-paid actors and actresses doing voice overs while sitting in their multi-million dollar mansions. I stick to DVDs of old stuff I grew up with like Laurel & Hardy in 'Babes in Toyland" and Buster Crabb in the series "Flash Gordon".

    1. I loved Laurel and Hardy. Way better than Abbott and Costello. Or Cheech and Chong for that matter.

  4. During our TV hour while eating supper last night we watched an episode of Perry Mason on DVD from 1964. The night before it was an episode of Riverboat from 1960. Etc., etc. Don't care for most stuff made in the past 30 years.

    1. "....last night we watched an episode of Perry Mason on DVD...."

      I binged on the 2020 version of Perry Mason when HBO had it on.

      As you might expect, it was quite a bit grittier than the old TV series, but I do recommend it. Dunno if, or where you could find it today, though.


    2. I have DVDs of the old Tonight Show with Johnny Carson.

  5. Not a great Tolkien mind but Galadriel seems awfully young, blood thirsty and hot headed. She's around 5,000 years old at this point of the story so it doesn't seem consistent with the Tolkien/Jackson version.

  6. Didn't quite finish the first episode, and likely won't go back. It was quite slow and boring.

    But I did notice how ugly most of the characters were, even some of the leads were physically ugly. This must say something about the moral status of the producers and directors. Jackson's version was full of beautiful places and people.

  7. Rolling Stone got it right when they reviewed the first " Game Of Thrones " with the headline : " No Country For Old Hobbits " Hollywood knows their time is up. too late for Bill Maher to go after the Leftist Loonies for ratings.

  8. Boring and uninspiring first episode -- stopped 20 minutes into it. I'll pass on the rest.

  9. One series to ruin them all
    One series to blind them
    One series to bring them all
    Into Bezos lair and lose them

  10. Epic, and so fucking true.
