Monday, September 5, 2022

Excellent Living Space



  1. those glass walls (insulated or no) and very high ceiling to trap the heat has me shivering in the summer when the sun goes down

  2. Looks airy, but I wouldn't want to have to clean those windows.

  3. Notice if you will the poured in place concrete roof and those non-structural glass walls.
    The concentrated point load, for that corner, is that triangle of concrete that disappears into the foliage. There's a substantial footing under that point load. The cost is substantial too. I would bet the climate control system is more than adequate.

  4. With all that exposed glass and easy access, security must be a real bear to worry about. Thieves, burglars, enemies all have plenty of access and views of the interior layout. Lovely place, but not easy to defend.
