Thursday, September 8, 2022

Burning Man, Nevada



  1. One low yield tactical nuke dropped right in the center of that semi-circle would do a fine job of increasing the intelligence level of the American gene pool....

    1. That would be true if they were all republicans.

    2. They just want to be left alone, Brave Anonymous Keyboard Warrior.

      Whether they admit it or not, they are Republicans.

      Otherwise, they'd be able to hold this in Golden Gate Park in Frisco, and not out in the middle of Nowhere.

      Put a bandage on that butthurt before you bleed out, hear?

  2. Burning Man - A festival celebrating......something. Supposed to be environmentally friendly. Go watch the YouTube videos of all the garbage and trash they leave behind. One year they left a scrap 747 fuselage sitting out in the desert. "Art".

  3. An attraction for 2 legged herd animals.

    1. I worked with a guy who had been to at least one Burning Man. It fits with him. He was never home....worked his a$$ off, pulling every trick in the book to bring in the bucks, mainly because he had a trophy wife (#3, if I remember right) who felt that she deserved the big house with the big mortgage. He retired a couple of years before I did, and I wonder if, in retirement, he's been able to keep his wife and his house.

      I've always looked (very much from afar) at Burning Man as Woodstock for Silicon Valleyites. It gives the nerds a week to go get their hippie on, and then return to their cubicles with stories and pictures that they can share around the water cooler.


  4. Glamping in the desert.

  5. I heard that you got to pay to get into the damned thing....

  6. Looks like the Death Star is nearing completion......on another note, I heard that Burning Man was plagued by a sandstorm this year, which on these alkali flats can be a very uncomfortable experience.

  7. Had a friend who went one year. He said he saw so many bare breasts on one day that it was more than he had seen in his lifetime.
