Friday, July 22, 2022

How the similar temperatures are portrayed then and now. Is not the idea to encourage climate panic?



  1. People's memories are short, but their instant-gratification panic lingers. The global elite know it and they use it effectively.

  2. And the overwhelming heat in Berlin (for example) will be 77°F!


  3. I noticed earlier this year some of the local weather people going to these orange/red maps. The morning guy on Fox 40 in Sacramento is famous for doing this.

    I'm guessing local news directors all got the memo to "Make your viewers sweat".

    1. The same can be said of when The Weather Channel began naming winter storms. Named as in the manner of naming hurricanes.

      Incidently, initially this caused confusion among sailors since insurers either drop coverage or command premiun prices during perioods of named storms, i.e., 'hurricane season'. The thinking was, Oh, so now we have a winter time named storms?

      It was the climate crazies dramatizing their bullcrap.

    2. I laughed when the female "news reader" on FOX said "I'm a journalist."

    3. A Reporter is a respected profession that does the work to find out the news and verify it to be true. A Journalist is some blow hard giving their opinion as news and deserves no respect.

  4. "They" are really good at manipulating people.

  5. Getting them ready for the smoking section in the after life.

  6. They used to use red and orange to show "high fire danger" or "high wind warnings" but now it's propaganda for weak minds.

  7. Interesting that every single temperature in the new, red map is lower than the ones five years ago. Also, the weatherbabe looks like she lost a few pounds.

  8. We had the very same thing here in Britain. I wasted no time in telling people that it's just another episode of project fear.

  9. Repent, the end is near :/

  10. Warm out?
    Great! I've been worrying about Glaciers. Overdue for an Ice Age you know.

  11. From the same people who switched the Dem/Repub Red/Blue colors in 1992, after 100 years of things the other way.

  12. Note in the first they are spot temperatures over a satellite map of the region. In the second they are spot temperatures over a temperature map. More information. Yes the bold red is alarming, but other than slightly less saturation, what colors would you use?

  13. I've also notice that they are posting the "Feels Like" temperature instead of the actual air temperature.
