Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Urp! Burp! Now add wildfires.



  1. Sorry.....but NOT true. Volcanoes do provide a significant amount of greenhouse gases. Lots of things do, but one volcanic eruption doesn't come close to what humans produce burning oil, coal and wood.

  2. Now ad wildfires, other eruptions, etc. Wait, there's no real info on those! So we don't know.

  3. Thanks Dan for the truth, just more fake news so oil corps and such can make more billions.

    1. So you ride a bike & do everything by candlelight, Dan & Anon?
      Maybe show us some EVIDENCE to your assertions, Dan?


  4. "CO2 out-gassed to the atmosphere and oceans today from volcanoes and other magmatically active regions is estimated at 280 to 360 million tonnes (0.28 to 0.36 Gt) per year, including that released into the oceans from mid-ocean ridges
    Humanity's annual carbon emissions through the burning of fossil fuels and forests, etc., are 40 to 100 times greater than all volcanic emissions."


    1. Well, it's on the interwebs, so it MUST be true. /sarc

      Anything with eureka in the name is suspect...what are the qualifications of these "scientists"?

    2. eurikalert is a den of ecohustlers with the grift very much on. would be nice to back up their claims with accurate data, but that is asking a lot from a bunch of ivy league level grifters out for all the donations will yield.

  5. Maybe if we threw the little Swedish brat Greta in as a sacrifice......

  6. Okay Captain.... maybe Eureka's data is bullshit... I'd be willing to concede that but not without some source document to demonstrate it

  7. The Earths atmosphere @ STP (Standard Temperature 59 Deg F, and Pressure 14.7 PSI Sea level) consists of 78% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen, and 1% Trace Gases. Trace Gases include all of the Noble Gases (non-reactive), and thirteen others (reactive), from the periodic tables, and EVERYTHING Else that isn't a liquid, or a solid. Carbon Dioxide is a part of that 1%, just like Helium, Neon. Argon, Krypton, Xenon, Radon, Hydrogen, CO, Methane... Houston, We DON'T Have a Science Problem, We Have a Basic Education Problem, A Nationwide Silent Attack Upon our Society and our Youth. A Well Planned, Orchestrated, and Purposfully Executed Dumbing Down, a Poisoning, of America's Most Vulnerable Minds in Gubmint Subsidised Schools over the last 50 years, or more. This Diabolical Plan was Plotted and Executed from the Highest Echelons of our Federal, State, and Local Government Bureaucrats. This is NOT Education, It is Indoctrination by an Insurrectionist Fifth Column within our midst. Once their Pseudo-Religion is instilled it takes a lot of time and money to completely remove the satanic cult like indoctrination. Our Children have beeen taught the BIG LIES all of their Lives. They Don't know any better. We The Parents have to Show them the TRUTH!

  8. The Mount St. Helens mushroom cloud makes that eruption above look like a burp.

  9. CO2 levels do not influence the earth’s temperature per se…..2.2 to 2.6 million years ago, the CO2 level was the same as today’s….but the summer temp was 10C hotter….the polar ice caps almost totally gone and the Midwest was under water from the Gulf to the Arctic from the Rockies to the Appalachians….same CO2 as todays levels….

    Check out this article and the Website..

    https://wattsupwiththat.com/2013/06/21/paper-summer-temperatures-were-about-10c-warmer-than-today-even-though-the-concentration-of-atmospheric-co2-was-similar/ ocean

  10. Big burning ball in the sky that is responsible for all electromagnetic energy in the solar system laughs at your puny human theories.

  11. Over populating species use up all of their foodstuffs and starve. Humans consume fossil fuels; food is only a derivative.

  12. Largest amount of 'greenhouse gas' in the atmosphere is... water vapor.

    As to CO2 increases, gee, I wonder what people use in marijuana grows to force the plants to mature quickly and grow like wildfire? Could it be... CO2? Yep. All increased amounts of CO2 does is increase the amount of green stuff growing.

    Now, as to sulfur dioxides and other toxins, yes, humans do create some, but volcanoes create more.

    And a really neat fact. The Amazon Basin, favored big-love of green enviromental weenies, is a net CO2 and Methane producer. That's right. The Amazon Basin produces less O2 than CO2.

    Another really neat fact is that the burning, leveling and farming of land in the Amazon Basin is actually reversing this. Why? Because grasses and food plants make far more oxygen than the waste byproducts (decaying plant material) produce CO2 and Methane. So for the Earth's sake (and in order to reduce CO2 and increase O2, we should level and burn and mulch and farm the whole Amazon Basin. Truth really really hurts, don't it?

    1. What a load of white. You have no idea what you're talking about.

  13. Look into the climate cycles of the earth, we are absolutely going to have climate change and no amount of taxes paid will change that. We stop fossil fuels today, billions die and we still cause tons of eco damage by mining the metals required to make the batteries to store wind and solar energy (millions of gallons of water to pull the lithium out of the ground, horrible working conditions in the Congo, etc). Go ahead and eat up what these snake oil salesmen are selling, the bugs they feed you in the future to prevent cow farts, and the serfdom they will slip around your neck. Have fun with that.
