Friday, July 29, 2022

F-16 fighter jet doing a high-speed low pass over a car at high speed


  1. But was it at high speed?

  2. I've had a couple of A-10s scream over me, while in my ol' Jeep up Grayling, MI way, and while wielding my fly rod in the South Branch of the AuSable, but nothing like that. Wow!

  3. Could have come in handy at Benghazi. Just saying.

    1. That's supposed to have gone into the memory hole already.
      But yeah.

    2. Never forget traitorous acts.

  4. Must have recognized the car as his Ex’s

  5. Jocks flying Fours out of Bergstrom used to buzz us in the oilfield all the time in the early 80's, down on the deck like that and lower. I don't remember any dust getting kicked up like that and do believe I would have. So color me skeptical.

    1. Could have been me. Many of our low level routes covered West Texas, though our most commonly used ones terminated at the gunnery range in McMullen County, south of San Antonio. I've never seen a dust cloud behind any of the others in the flight. Even tried to raise a rooster tail out in the Gulf one day and my WSO's lip started quivering as the radar altimeter got down to 10 feet. The F-4 was rock steady at high Q, high speed and low altitude, the F-16 was more twitchy.

      LC LtC

  6. I'm thinking it might have been some sort of water vapor falling out of suspension, or water on the roadway. I notice some smoke or vapor out the back of the car just before the jet passes.

  7. My dad was out hiking with a couple thousand of hia Reserve pals one weekend. The column was mock strafed by a F16.

    He said they were just walking and driving one moment, and the next they were flattened on the ground. Nobody saw anything coming or going.

    1. I lived high in the mountains of Colorado and several times jets from Peterson would buzz over my house just a couple hundred feet up. Barely had time to look up.

  8. Jets from Griffiss used to buzz the Finger Lake region pretty regularly. Not like that in that video though.
