Saturday, July 16, 2022

A Nightmare



  1. A new category of future Darwin Awards to bestow at a later date... just wait a few minutes.

  2. This meme reminded me of something they told us at the Briggs & Stratton school in Milwaukee Wi. There was a guy who had a rather light weight mower, a 20" deck and a Clinton 2 cycle engine. After cutting his lawn he would remove the handle on the mower and pick it up and trim his hedge with it. That means his fingers were underneath the deck where the blade was spinning at around 3,000 rpm. They told the guy not to do that anymore and why.

  3. this one has a EXTRA DOSE of STUPID

  4. A bad joke I would guess. I find it very hard to believe that anyone that stupid is
    still alive!!
    Bubbarust(as someone who has done plenty of stupid hisownself)

  5. No a joke. Old mowers had circular band of steel where the blade was inside that. That left little area free of blade travel before you got to the outside deck. This is how it was told to me at the school in about 1971.

  6. Now you did it, every company will make their arbor shaft as unique as possible.

  7. There's another pic similar to this circulating with an 8" circular saw blade mounted. Likely from the same guy.

    This was probably started by those 5" chainsaw chain + wheels for these hand grinders.

    After all, if some is good, more is better. Right, Stubby? Stubby?

  8. Hey, nice beard trimmer.

  9. Squad 51, Engine 51, lawn mower accident.......
