Monday, June 20, 2022

Stay away from the cabbage



  1. Spanking a kid for farting? Things were different back then I guess.

    1. never at the table or you got whomped for sure. otherwise just P -U 'd

  2. When I was young I always abided by the credo: Beans, beans. The more you eat the more you fart. Now that I'm an old fart I depend on beer and hard boiled eggs to get the job done.

    1. I'm guessing another one of those phony comic retro-ads like the Colt revolver one a few days back.

  3. What better targeting opportunities for a chronic farter, than a spanking? It's like slapping the business end of a loaded Howitzer with a hair trigger.

  4. Lordy, lordy, bogside, that brought back a memory from decades ago. I remember the saying as, "Beans, beans, good for your heart. Beans, beans, they make you fart. The more you fart the better you feel. Beans, beans, every meal."

  5. My mum used to make split pea soup with all the bacon rinds. She'd grind it in a hand operated mill such as you'd use for infants. That stuff certainly caused a storm in me! Maybe my mum didn't want me making too many friends.

  6. Beans beans the musical fruit, the more you eat the more you toot, the more you toot the better you feel, so eat some beans with every meal..

  7. a pot of baby lima's and a case of pbr does it everytime.
