Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Now that's practical



  1. But stupid.
    He's on a boat.
    On each edge of the gunwale is a place for a screwed in place tape measure tape, or some Sharpie lines. Besides, who measures fish anyways? Just throw it in the well and bait another hook.

    Silly ninnies scribbling graffiti all over themselves....

  2. In all my 80 years I've never had the slightest urge to get a tat. Not even when I was a silly 19 year old, in the service and had too many beers. What's wrong with me?

    1. Maybe you're not a narcissist.
      Narcissists will do anything and everything to make other people look at them. Very young children are like that too but they used to outgrow it by about the age of 10. "Hey Mom, watch this!", "Hey Mom, look at me!"

      From 3 mins after birth until graduation from college they have been shipped off to daycares, preschools, public schools and colleges as well as summer camps, learning deeply that their parents don't really care for them. They crave the attention they never had as children.

    2. I'll say this about that. One time when I was in Catholic School I started to write on my arm with a ball point pen and a Nun slapped the s#@t out of me. She told me it was impure and that arm belonged to God not me. It really burned in to my mind. Any urge to get any marking of any kind on my skin was permanently gone. Sometimes I think our society needs more Nuns slapping people. End of rant.

  3. All he needs now is a good sturdy nose ring with a scale hanging from it.

  4. Put that tat on his inner thigh to impress the girls-or not!

  5. German concentration camp serial numbers were the only "appropriate" tattoos. Now anyone with a tattoo should have a serial number also added, and denied possession or use of firearms, ammunition or voting. And denied immigration if trying to immigrate.
