Friday, June 3, 2022

I'm gonna say this is cute but not really a good idea.



  1. Not in the firing line of any airbags.

    I traveled with my cat a few times, and if I ignored her meow to pull over for a pit stop, she would walk across the dashboard, down to the column, through the wheel, put her front paws on my chest, and meow! in my face. I got the message :)

  2. Fluffy disagrees with your assessment.

    I very occasionally took the tuxedo cats for a jaunt. They liked the back deck, where their claws could hold onto the carpet at stops, and they could watch life's parade. Usually got a smile from other drivers. I left them a litter box on the back seat floor, and they did fine.
    And the people with a dog in the car would lose their minds when Fido went batcrap crazy.

    It made trips to the vet a lot less scary for them.

    1. I discovered with a later cat that a clear storage bin, with the colored flip lids, was perfect for vet trips. Put a folded towel for her to lay on, and I would leave one of the lid leaves open so she could stand up in the bin and look around. When we arrived, I would close it up, and she could sit in the waiting room feeling secure, and be able to watch the show with all the other loose animals. The vet assistants thought the bin was much better than the typical small animal cases. Easy to remove her for exam, just open the lids, and there was nothing for her to anchor herself if she felt inclined, although she never gave them a problem. I think the clear sides and colored top helped her stay calm.
