Saturday, June 18, 2022

Biden tries to ride a bike, fails. At least he's wearing a helmet.


Voila the leader of the Free World.

"I'm good," Biden told pool reporters, adding that he had trouble taking his biking shoes out of the pedals as he tried to chat with supporters.

Really, the Secret Service needs to control him a little better.  Just because the 79 year old thinks he can still ride a bike doesn't mean he really can, and cooler heads need to prevail in these situations.


  1. Commander-in-Chief... yeah.

  2. The helmet was wearing him for protection.

  3. Replies
    1. What's equipment? Some items (are they "equipment"?) were already damaged.

    2. My feeble attempt at black humor - when I was working rigs, when someone would bump their head on some massive piece of iron, we would make it into a guy-joke by asking that question in a concerned way, inspecting the piece where they bumped it.

  4. Those aren’t biking shoes. Just sayin’.

  5. I think he should be encouraged to go bike riding as much as possible. Without a helmet. And on busy DC streets during rush hour.

  6. Grim Reaper was sleeping

  7. What is it with commie dick pretend presidents and bicycles? I suppose his next trick will be to go pretend skeet shooting and speak in folksy colloquialisms. See pard, ahm one a youse y'alls.

  8. Well, I've never worn 'bike shoes' as the spandex brigade do, but the bike helmet seems superfluous. What's up there to damage at this point?
    But imagine the damage to his administration if he'd injured his Executive Order signing hand.

  9. Those aren't bike shoes, so I'm guessing his bike pedals were equipped with toe clips, which might in fact have made it difficult for a decrepit senior to get his foot out to catch himself. It's a stupid mistake for his handlers to make, letting him ride a bike that's set up for athletic performance instead of safe riding. Another apropos symbolic episode portraying this administration's competence.

    1. I just watched the video. It's over at Conservative Treehouse. The bike did have toe clips. He pulled up to a stop and got his left foot out okay but as he tried to get his right foot out he got hung up slightly and went down. He should have planted his left foot firmly on the ground and then tried to get the other foot out.

      And I agree, probably not very good judgement to have cameras rolling while a 79 year old man rides a bike with toe clips.

    2. Not him...proof is he has extremely hairy legs. Not this guy.
      Actor. Arthur Roberts.

  10. Maybe the SS should install training wheels

  11. I did that to myself back in my biking days. I did something stupid and landed on my face in some gravel, sprained my right shoulder, left slices on my wrist where my watchband was torn off. Some nice person took me to the closest doctor, a pediatrician who was open on Saturday. He sewed up my chin and eyebrow. My jaw was sprained and for a couple of weeks I lived on milkshakes with a couple of raw eggs blended in and mashed potatoes. Had to shift my Alfa with my left hand. I felt like the guy I saw back in the 50's. He was missing his right arm and was shifting his '47 Ford with his left hand. Monday at work my boss asked me what happened and I said I fell off my bike. He said, "Yeah, ran into a door, right?" BIden got off light. 'Course he was stopped.

  12. Darwin awaits.....

  13. So gay, just his buddy barack. The only reason for helmet is you know that you're going down.

  14. Such an opportunity wasted to kick him while he's down; just like he's been doing to Americans.

  15. Cooler heads would convince him to retire for medical reasons before WE all get hurt even more.

  16. Take note, y'all...dig up the photos of this event and you'll see that he's not being helped or even guarded by the Secret Service...they are wearing US Marshal pins. Hmmm...

  17. Only time he went right in his morbid life............leaned to the right that is.

  18. Trained by the best:

  19. Maybe he should get himself one of those old lady three wheelers. Schwinn still makes 'em, if I'm not mistaken.

  20. Sue the bike company! Arte bike companies immune from prosecution for all the injuries they cause! Call benjamin crump!

  21. His handlers have got a bus for that job.

  22. Of course he had a helmet on........just our luck.

  23. Need to get this guy into free climbing

  24. He seems to be adept at falling.
    I'd suggest he take up skydiving.

