Thursday, September 16, 2021




  1. It's coming, be here before you know it, then after a month or 2 you'll be pining for summer all over again.

  2. There is an interval of about ten weeks, no snow, no mosquitos.

    When it snows in central NM it lasts about 10 days at most? Just enough to remind me why I have snow.

  3. That is a metaphor for our wretched lives and the hope in Christ. The light of His glory is visible. It is our safe haven. God is our refuge. We have to carry forward through the darkness of this world and the brambles we put in our paths. Turn not to the left or the right. Keep your eye on the prize. You wouldn't know it by looking at it but down in there is a path. Trust.

  4. This looks much like the Cathedral often seen from the other side on Vlad Tepes' blog header. Beautiful building wherever it is.

  5. Looks like one of the buildings from the original Medal of Honor game.
