Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Turning up everywhere



  1. On the boomers we didn't surface in weird places like that. Our job was to hide with pride.

  2. And in all three photos, the Skipper is yelling the same thing: "Navigator-to-the-bridge!"

  3. Close the hatch dive.... dive..... dive.....❗️

  4. After Monday and Tuesday comes WTF....

  5. 1) "Luigi was immediately demoted from navigator to Head Scrubbing Detail for the remainder of the trip, and the bill from the Venetian Department of Public Works meant that the crew would be dining on bologna sandwiches for the rest of the cruise."

    2) Folks in Galveston thought that "Cajun Navy" was just a term of art, until they showed up after the hurricane.

    3) In Russian Navy, everything is still collectivized, just like during Soviet era. So when Captain Dmitrov wants to go to hockey game, whole crew goes to hockey game.
