Thursday, September 30, 2021

Looks like it's smiling



  1. Note thw not round steering wheel

  2. I would smile with that in the driveway.

  3. When cars actually had style and you could identify the make and model from three blocks away. Unlike today when you can't tell the difference between the two soap bubbles on wheels you are standing in between .

  4. About '68, we had a '60 Chrysler Crown Imperial. Had a fuel feed problem. Open the secondaries up, and real soon the engine would die, along with the steering! Not to mention you had one stab at the brakes, let off, and the pedal would turn into a brick.
    Full power steering, not power assisted, like the rest of the auto world. Had one of those rectangular steering wheels. Fuel filter was clogged.

  5. Just about everything about that car was big.
    You could fit about anything into the trunk, and just imagine what you could do in the back seat.
