Saturday, September 25, 2021



  1. Get yourself a sweet Madonna, dressed in rhinestones sitting on a pedestal of abalone shell. Comes in colors pink and pleasant, glows in the dark cause it's iridescent, assuring me that I won't go to hell. Name the movie.

    1. That was an actual song though - it came from a pirate AM radio station that was powered in excess of allowable wattage, and hence was located south of the border. They advertised relentlessly, many of the ads having jingos.

      I don't care if it rains or freezes, 'long as I got my plastic Jesus sittin' on the dashboard of my car....."

    2. OK Youngin's here's the skinny on the song:

      "1st Church of the Gooey Death and Discount House of Worship" was a Don Imus creation.

      This song was made popular in NYC in the 70's by a D.J. named Don Imus (Imus in the Morning) on the old WNBC who used to use it as a lead in to his charachter The Right Reverend Dr. Billy Sol Hargis of the First Church of Gooey Death and Discount House of Worship, for the salvation ofyour soul, located in the heart of Del Rio, Texas (say amen).

    3. Thanks for that Bog. I really do miss Mr. Imus God rest his soul and RIP.

    4. Me too! Loved the “I-man” and listened to him then watched his early morning TV show. Great support cast too.

    5. The song was written in homage to the semi-pirate evangelical radio station in Del Rio, Texas. It was founded in the 1930s by the late Dr. John R. Brinkley of Del Rio (a mail-order degree), to advertise quack surgical procedures purported to make people more youthful. It featured a constant stream of taped gospel preaching interspersed with dozens of advertisements for fake religious relics, baby chicks, farm implements, curios, sure-fire cures for all maladies, and so on. Brinkley was the originator of the "Border Blaster" radio concept.

      XERF was its successor, the transmitter owned by a Mexican corporation, was incorporated in 1947. This was the station that was blasting 250,000 watts from Del Rio - They got rid of the 100% religious huckerism and started playing rock and roll, featuring Wolfman Jack among others. This is where The Wolfman got his start.


    6. "I hoid it, I hoid it, I hoid it on the x"....ZZ Topp....
