Saturday, May 1, 2021




  1. Again, I question that 90,000 lumens.
    According to the videos in the ad, it seems much less.
    Down at the bottom of the page are ads for identical models in the same price range, claiming 8,000 and 10,000 lumens.
    I suspect this model is 9,000 not 90,000.
    Strangely, no mention of the battery type but says 8000 mAh.

    I have an old 1990's Vector spotlight that truly is a giant (1,000,000 candle power) but it has 2 halogen bulbs, weighs a ton, has a 10 min time frame, and gets dangerously hot.

  2. You kids and your newfangled LEDs, why back in my day we'd just fire up Grandpop's WWII 60" Carbon Arc Search and play searchlight tag. :)
    The internet says they cranked out 800 million candlepower.

  3. We've got lights like this now, but still, on TV & in the movies people go into the big spooky cave or warehouse, etc. with a mini mag-light.
