Friday, May 21, 2021

This never happened, even in first class



  1. The good old days when only the rich could afford to travel in these lofty venues and there were no TSA agents to grope you.

    1. And that passengers behaved themselves both in the boarding terminal and in flight.

  2. Upper deck on the first 747 flights during the Juan Trippe PanAm era. They did indeed do this, had an actual bar with semi circular counter too. By the time I was doing trans-pacific flights early 80's they had converted upper to Business class and did not have such sumptuous presentation. And I too sure do miss being able to board domestic flights with my buck knife on the belt, or another fellow I knew who had a 22 derringer in his belt buckle, loaded, it passed without issue. Sigh!

    1. Flew upper deck twice on a 747. While the amenities weren't like that, it was a very pleasant trans-Pacific flight

  3. Several times in the late 60's I would board the plane with a soft cased .300 Winchester Magnum and a soft cased Ruger 10-22. I would hand them to the stewardess as I entered the aircraft and she would put them in the front closet near the cockpit.
    When the rules changed I was made to check them as luggage.
    The clean cases were half covered with black grime from the conveyer belts.
    The airline ended up paying for the cases.
    I have not flown in years and do not expect to ever fly commercial again.

  4. This is what democrats promise you in return for a vote.

  5. never understood why a meal was serviced on a plane. May be if going from NY to Hawaii. Then chips and whiskey would hold me. I always took the night flies. Just slept most the time.

  6. This did happen, as a kid I saw it numerous times.

  7. Is that Jack Webb in the back?

  8. I flew back/forth to the PI through Japan several times in the early 2000s. Upper deck business class on the 747 was quite nice.

  9. The upper deck was quite nice.
