Sunday, May 23, 2021

The Communist Chinese have the "goods" on Biden.

 In an apparent insult to President Joe Biden’s administration, China’s top military officials are refusing to talk to the new Pentagon chief despite repeated U.S. requests. “U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has so far been unable to speak with China’s top general despite multiple attempts to set up talks,” the Reuters news agency reported citing U.S. Defense Department officials.

And they aren't the only ones who aren't talking.

China’s embassy in Washington could not immediately be reached for comment.

Couple this with the scandal over the armed forces new recruitment video, and you can see why they don't respect us in any way.

Joe and Kamala need to go as soon as possible.  Maybe the audits in the swing states that are just now getting started will show that the election was stolen, at about the same time the country seriously comes to the realization that it's just too dangerous to leave "Slow Joe" in power.

A guy can dream.


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  2. The issue to the scum in Washingmoney (redundancy) is to keep the cash pouring in to their personal accounts. Any threat (such as Donald Trump or us deplorabables) to the rampant, out of control, corruption is to be dealt with in the most serious manner. The audits can prove, without a doubt to even the most dedicated troll, that Trump won by 30 million votes (which he did), but it wont matter. They need the money to keep pouring in and it will never bee enough to satisfy them. So forget it. They decided that they "won" so forget it.

  3. The Deep State is powerful. Even President Trump found out. Since an internal "revolution" isn't gonna happen the next best thing to shake up the D.C. goons would be a full scale war with China. Of course that would require some sacrifice from most Americans. I'm just laying out the reality of the current state of affairs. I'm welcome any suggestions that would either support or rebut my suggestion.

  4. I pray it happens. I practice for when it fails. I have heard thoughts the could kick out 1 and 2 which levels pelosi running things. That would from the frying pan into the fire.

  5. And the GOP power elite are still not helping. Damn them.

  6. Vote democrat and kick those damn rino's out of there cushy jobs since voting never mattered and they proved it last November

  7. The CCP has OWNED the commie demonrat left ever since Slick Willie and Cankles the Killer got in bed with them back in the 90's.

  8. Thanks for posting, as the cancel culture, news blackouts, social media algorithms make any criticism borderline dangerous. Despite that, the word is getting out, and '2020 vision' will be synonymous with finally seeing clearly through the lies of the politicians, media and "fact checkers."

  9. The CCP owns the Bidens. Hunter was played to get to Joe and Joe is so greedy that, knowing he'd be on the hook, he likely took money anyway. The "10% for The Big Guy" was a cheap purchase for the ChiComs.
