Sunday, May 16, 2021

The book by the Space Force officer who was just demoted for this warning.



  1. During Obama The Scoamf's infestation of the White House he....following his handlers instructions.....conducted a purge of the military command structure that would have made Stalin blush. The commies now in power are merely taking that purge further down the command chain. This man was Lt. Colonel. Soon even Captain's will be shown the door for showing anything but ABJECT SERVITUDE to the commies in charge.

  2. Looks like a Stalin-esque move to purify the ranks. "You will be assimilated".
    Nothing from the upper ranks of the military surprises me; those asswipes are not interested AT ALL in supporting nor defending the Constitution.
    Where is Patton and Nathan Bedford Forrest when they're needed?

  3. It's a good book, written by a good man.

  4. Did you notice that none of the one star reviews at amazon were by verified purchasers?
