Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Now we have Bitcoin



  1. 1965 is also the year the nation destroying Immigration Act of 1965 was forced upon us. This law has been the root of our downfall in the past 50 years. It provided a vast increase in the workforce, driving down wages. It flooded the land with 3rd worlders who hate us and vote for our destruction.

    1. Meh, you're right about the flood and wrong about the hate.

      Most of them love the US, freedom and capitalism much more than pampered lefty upper class white urban shit-birds.

      I'll take 1 cubano over 20 New Englanders.

    2. My dear Chris Mallory, you nailed it.

    3. @ iOpener
      I'll offer to lend you my spectacles, though I agree with you about los cubanos.

  2. As a descendant of Cuban immigrants, I thank you both. I always thought Ricky Ricardo was an instructive fictional archetype. Nobody ever resented him because, funny accent notwithstanding, that man cheerfully assimilated in all the ways that mattered.

  3. Cuban is, yes. Somalis... Not so much. It's trade-offs all the way down.

  4. Assimilated foreigners tend to make better Americans.

    1. Thats the issue, they do not want to assimilate. They huddle in their masses and keep up their old ways. Its the kids of those that start to make a break from the ways of old.

      Vietnamese in my home town did that when they first came to South West Kansas. They all congregated together in their groups. The kids, on the other hand, started integrating and now their kids are full fledged members of the community as doctors, lawyers, and cops.

    2. First Generation "just off the boat" immigrants tend to cluster together. After all at the end of the day, you want to be able to talk to someone without an accent, and in a Real Language. And who understands your cultural references.

      Back in the day, the kids went to school, and were taught to be Americans and proud of it. And there were many jokes about that. E.g. the parents who send their son Moshe to Princeton to make him a Real American. They realized they would not see him for the entire four years, but in the end, he'd emerge without any accent. Four year later, the President invites them to his office before graduation, and when they arrive, very concerned, he tells them "I wouldn't want you should worry."

      The process of assimilation was that the first generation marries people from the same village, the second from the same ethnic grouping, at least the grandkids married "in the faith", and the fourth generation marries/become a Protestant.

  5. Debasing the currency is one way to attempt to cover the decline in government revenues.

    Of course, in the old days, prices tended to stay constant in terms of grams of silver, just not in the number of coins it took to get those grams.

  6. When I graduated minimum wage was 6 quarters and a dime....a weeks worth of groceries were 15 bucks and you needed help to get them to the car, which was full of 25 cent per gallon gas...

    1. I graduated in '77. Senior year I had an after school job monitoring a gas station,(we didn't sell shit, a quart of oil maybe, had an old school Coke machine out front). I remember changing the gas price sign from 34 cents to 63 cents on one day. People were livid. I told them "Do I look like an Arab? Am I Jimmy Carter?" They cursed and and swore they'd never pay a dollar for gas." That was a couple months later. They had to buy more plastic digits ($) to post the price$ later. Jimmy Peanuts embargo. Gas lines blocked traffic. Bohica!!

    2. I worked after school at a texaco service station, and when the gas went over a dollar, the pumps couldnt compute it, we set the price in the pumps at 1/2 actual price and doubled the price it displayed.
      get ready for more Carter America.
