Monday, May 24, 2021

Mondays, they're like that



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Both hands were on the steering wheel. no cell phone involved.

    1. To me it appears that the driver is looking down??

    2. She's looking down and to her right. Only see one hand on the wheel too.

  3. Everybody that resists wearing a seatbelt needs to see this.

    1. Well, when I'm driving, I drive the car. Nothing take my attention. Plus, she didn't even crack the windshield.

    2. I got t-boned in my '68 Camaro, yeah, right in the driver's door. I was pinned between the door and the center console, and could not get at the seat belt release. If there would have been a fire, I wouldn't be here pissing and moaning today. I choose not to wear seat belts now (collective gasp from the audience!) because I never want to be trapped again. It's a personal choice, and nobody can write a rule that will change my mind. My safety is my business, and nobody else's.

    3. Patrick:

      It's a good thing all cars are as safety-stupid as a '68 Camaro, 53 years later, huh?
      Please, be a good guy, and be sure and check your organ donation box.

  4. The glue they use on window shield is tough. Gal tried to throw her body at it and no avail. Bet she was sore and bruised next day.

  5. By the numbers:

    1) Under 20 MPH, else she'd have been in the windshield.
    2) Might have survived. 50/50 odds. At that speed, still fast enough for both spinal fractures, and fatal brain injury. Maybe the hairdo provided some cushion.
    3) Wrist, forearm, and rib fracture(s) almost certain. Possible punctured lung(s).
    4) Might have been enough deceleration to let the cardiac ligament sever the aorta, which is death in about 5 pumps. If not, she's doing bunny breaths for weeks.

    She drove straight into a stopped vehicle, on a clear sunny day.
    Unless brake failure was involved, driving HUTA is always its own reward.
    If she survived, I hope Stupid hurt.
